Business Term Glossary

Business Term Glossary

To start and run a business, you need to understand business terms not well defined in a standard dictionary. Our glossary provides definitions for common terminology and acronyms in business plans, accounting, finance, and other aspects of small business.


  • Accounts Payable (AP)
  • Accounts Receivable (AR)
  • Accrual-Based Accounting
  • Accumulated Depreciation
  • Acid Test
  • Acquisition Costs
  • Adaptive Firm
  • Adventure Capital
  • Advertising Opportunity
  • Agent
  • Asset Turnover
  • Assets


  • Back End (Websites)
  • Balance Sheet
  • Benchmark
  • Brand
  • Brand Equity
  • Brand Extension Strategy
  • Brand Recognition
  • Break-Even Analysis
  • Break-Even Point
  • Broker
  • Bundling
  • Burden Rate
  • Business Mission
  • Business Plan
  • Buy-Sell Agreement


  • C Corporation (C Corp)
  • Compound Average Growth Rate (CAGR)
  • Cannibalization
  • Capital Assets
  • Capital Expenditure
  • Capital Input
  • Cash
  • Cash Basis
  • Cash Flow
  • Cash Flow Budget
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Cash Sales
  • Cash Spending
  • Central Driving Forces Model
  • Channel Conflicts
  • Channels of Distribution
  • Click-Through Rate
  • Co-Branding
  • Cost of Goods Sold
  • Collection Period (Days)
  • Commission
  • Commission Percent
  • Community Interest Company (CIC)
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Competitive Entry Wedges
  • Completed Store Transactions
  • Concentrated Target Marketing
  • Contribution
  • Contribution Margin
  • Conversion Rate
  • Core Marketing Strategy
  • Corporation
  • Corridor Principal
  • Cost of Sales
  • Cross Elasticity of Demand
  • Current Assets
  • Current Debt
  • Current Liabilities


  • Doing Business As (DBA)
  • Debt and Equity
  • Depreciation
  • Differentiated Target Marketing
  • Differentiation
  • Direct Cost of Sales
  • Direct Mail Marketing
  • Direct Marketing
  • Directory
  • Distinctive Competency
  • Diversification
  • Dividends
  • Dual Distribution


  • Early Adopters
  • Early Majority
  • Earnings
  • Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)
  • Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)
  • Economies of Scale
  • Effective Demand
  • Effective Tax Rate
  • Entrepreneur in Heat (EIH)
  • Entrepreneur
  • Equity
  • Equity Financing
  • Evaluating Ideas and Opportunities
  • Everett Rogers
  • Exclusive Distribution
  • Expense
  • Experience Curve
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  • Features, Advantages, and Benefits (FAB)
  • Failure Rule, Common Causes
  • Failure Rule, Exceptions to the Rule
  • Fatal 2% Rule
  • Fighting Brand Strategy
  • First Mover
  • First Mover Advantage
  • First Mover Disadvantage
  • Fiscal Year
  • Five Forces Model
  • Fixed Cost
  • Fixed Liabilities
  • Floating Liabilities
  • Focus Group
  • Forms of Market Research
  • Frequency Marketing
  • Front End (Websites)
  • Full-Cost Price Strategies
  • Future Value Projections


  • Goodwill
  • Gross Margin
  • Gross Margin Percent
  • Guerrilla Marketing



  • Ideas Versus Opportunities
  • Impressions
  • Income Statement
  • Initial Public Offering (IPO)
  • Innovation (Evolutionary or Revolutionary)
  • Innovators
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Intensive Distribution
  • Interest Expense
  • Intraprenuership
  • Inventory
  • Inventory Turnover
  • Inventory Turns



  • No listings


  • Labor
  • Laggards
  • Leveraged Buy Out (LBO)
  • Liabilities
  • Life Cycle
  • Limited (Public) Company (AUS)
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Limited Liability Partnership
  • Long-Term Assets
  • Long-Term Interest Rate
  • Long-Term Liabilities
  • Loss
  • Loyalty Programs


  • Manufacturer’s Agent
  • Market
  • Market Development Funds
  • Market Development Strategy
  • Market Evolution
  • Market Penetration Strategy
  • Market Plan
  • Market Redefinition
  • Market Sales Potential
  • Market Segmentation
  • Market Share
  • Marketing
  • Marketing Audit
  • Marketing Mix
  • Marketing Plan
  • Marketing Cost Analysis
  • Materials
  • Materials Included in Cost of Sales
  • Mission Statement
  • Moving Weighted Average
  • Multiple Channel System


  • Net Cash Flow
  • Net Present Value (NPV)
  • Net Profit
  • Net Profit Margin Before Taxes
  • Net Worth
  • New Visitors
  • New Brand Strategy
  • Newsletter Subscriptions
  • Not Invented Here (NIH)


  • Obligations Incurred
  • Offering
  • Offering Mix or Portfolio
  • On-Costs
  • Operating Expenses
  • Operating Leverage
  • Operations Control
  • Opportunities Versus Ideas
  • Opportunity Analysis
  • Opportunity Cost
  • Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
  • Other Short-Term Liabilities
  • Outsourcing


  • Pageviews
  • Paid-In Capital
  • Partnership
  • Payables
  • Payback Period
  • Payment Days
  • Payment Delay
  • Payroll
  • Payroll Burden
  • Penetration Pricing Strategy
  • Perceived Risk
  • Perceptual Map
  • Personal Selling
  • PEST analysis
  • Plant and Equipment
  • Point of Purchase Advertising (POP)
  • Portfolio
  • Positioning
  • Premiums
  • Price Elasticity of Demand
  • Privately Owned
  • Pro Forma Income Statement
  • Pro Forma Statements
  • Product Definition
  • Product Development
  • Product Development Strategy
  • Product Life Cycle (PLC)
  • Product Line
  • Product Line Pricing
  • Profit
  • Profit Before Interest and Taxes
  • Profit or Loss
  • Proprietary (Private) Limited Company
  • Public Relations
  • Publicly Traded
  • Pull Communication Strategy
  • Push Communication Strategy
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  • Receivables
  • Receivables Turnover
  • Regional Marketing
  • Relevant Cost
  • Repositioning
  • Resource Requirements (Websites)
  • Retained Earnings
  • Return on Assets
  • Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Return on Sales
  • Return Visitors
  • Rich-Gumpert Evaluation System


  • S Corporation (S Corp)
  • Sales Break Even
  • Sales Forecast
  • Sales on Credit
  • Scrambled Merchandising
  • Seed Capital
  • Selective Distribution
  • Selling Approaches
  • Senior Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
  • Shareholders
  • Short-Term
  • Short-Term Assets
  • Short-Term Notes
  • Short-Term Liabilities
  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Situation Analysis
  • Skimming Pricing Strategy
  • Slotting Allowances
  • Small Business Investment Council (SBIC)
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • Sole Trader
  • Starting Date
  • Stock
  • Stock Market
  • Stock Turnover
  • Strategic Control
  • Strategic Marketing Management
  • Success Factors
  • Success Requirements
  • Sunk Cost
  • Surplus or Deficit
  • Switching Costs
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Systematic Innovation



  • User Interface (UI)
  • Unique User Sessions
  • Unit Variable Cost
  • Units Break-Even
  • Unpaid Expenses
  • User Benefits
  • User Registrations

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