Family Chiropractic Business Plan

Advanced Chiropractic Clinic will serve St. Mary’s, Pennsylvania. Dr. Jamey Azzato, a chiropractic doctor and recent graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic, will own and operate the clinic. The clinic will specialize in chiropractic, the fastest-growing alternative health care field.

Chiropractic health care is holistic, focusing on the patient’s overall wellness. It recognizes that several factors, such as exercise, diet, rest, environment, and heredity, influence health. Chiropractors provide natural, drug-free, non-surgical treatments, relying on the body’s ability to heal.

The clinic will offer quality chiropractic services to people of all ages, using new equipment and a trained staff to address individual patient needs.

Our keys to success are prioritizing patient health issues and providing individualized care.

Sales are projected to increase from $99K in the first year to about $120K in the third. Profits are minimal during the start-up phase, with a break-even point after seven months. The projected net profit for the first three years is approximately $5,000/year. We are projecting conservatively to ensure we have enough cash for unexpected costs.

1.1 Objectives

  1. Gross revenues of $120,000 in year three.
  2. Net profits of $5,000 per year.
  3. Average patient visits per month: 165 in the first year, 195 in year three.
  4. 20 visits per patient per year.
  5. Collections of 95% or more and missed appointments under 5%.

These figures are conservative compared to the national average of 135 visits per week or 540 visits per month. Even if our clinic only produces one-third of the national average per month, our business model is still viable.

1.2 Mission

The mission of Advanced Chiropractic is to promote the well-being of people in the St. Mary’s community (and surrounding areas) by providing accessible, quality chiropractic care for people of all ages, emphasizing trust, respect, confidentiality, and compassion.

We are committed to quality chiropractic care that focuses on the overall health of every patient, including rehabilitation, exercise advice, patient education, ergonomics training, and nutritional support. We exist for the patient.

Family Chiropractic Business Plan Example

1.3 Keys to Success


Our marketing strategy emphasizes educating patients about chiropractic care. This alone will provide referrals and build a solid patient base.

We will also network to obtain referrals from professionals such as lawyers, accountants, medical doctors, and other businesses in the area. Our procedures include patient focus groups, questionnaires, videos, and mailings.

Systematic Procedures

By setting up our office to run efficiently, we will decrease errors and increase the number of patients we can see per hour. This translates into greater revenue and fewer complications.

Additionally, we will institute electronic billing procedures, which will cut down on paperwork and increase ease of patient tracking. Our office floor plan is designed to decrease the time it takes to provide quality chiropractic care per visit.


Becoming well-known in the community takes time, but it can increase the success of a clinic. Our clinic will accomplish this by going out into the community, church groups, high schools, and networking with other professionals.


Location is less important once you have the above factors in place. In the early stages of building a chiropractic practice, having an office front on a busy street will increase the likelihood of walk-in patients.

Having accessible parking and being located where traffic isn’t too heavy can also attract patients who don’t want the stress of finding or paying for parking on a busy city street. Being located in an area with a high patient to doctor ratio can also be beneficial.

Our clinic will be located on North Michael Street, close to downtown St. Mary’s.

Company Summary

The Advanced Chiropractic Clinic is a practice started by Dr. Jamey Azzato in the newly opened clinic at 252 North Michael Street, St. Mary’s, PA 15857.

The clinic will provide quality chiropractic services to people of all ages, utilizing new equipment and a trained staff to care for the individual needs of every patient.

2.1 Company Ownership

The Advanced Chiropractic Clinic will be a Pennsylvania sole proprietorship owned and operated by Dr. Jamey Azzato.

2.2 Company Locations and Facilities

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The clinic will be established in a remodeled two-story home at 252 North Michael Street, St. Mary’s, PA 15857. The office will consist of a reception area with a bathroom, x-ray suite, Dr. Azzato’s office, two treatment rooms, and an exam room. Total office area will be approximately 1,000 square feet.

The office location is close to downtown St. Mary’s and will have new equipment, furniture, signage, and a large parking lot easily accessible from Oilwell Street. Patients may also park on North Michael Street. Additionally, the office will utilize a high-speed internet server for fast, secure electronic billing and communication.

2.3 Start-up Summary

Estimated start-up costs are $35,000. This money will be used to remodel the clinic, purchase x-ray/chiropractic/office equipment, furniture, stationary, and other start-up expenses.

The start-up costs will be partially financed by Dr. Azzato’s personal funds of $5,000 and a $30,000 small business loan. An additional $15,000 will be requested as a line of credit to offset any business expenses in the first six months until the clinic can sustain itself.

Family Chiropractic Business Plan Example

The Advanced Chiropractic Clinic offers chiropractic health care to correct joint misalignments called subluxations, which cause interference to nervous system flow and disrupt the body’s functioning. Our clinic treats various conditions such as low back and leg pain, neck and arm pain, headaches, athletic and work-related injuries, and more. By removing subluxations and educating patients on rehabilitation, nutrition, and exercise, we aim to help them adopt a chiropractic philosophy of health and share their experience with others.

Competition among chiropractors is small, with only 10% of the US population seeking chiropractic care. The growing demand for cost-effective healthcare, especially among baby boomers, presents an opportunity for chiropractic clinics to thrive. Our clinic will be located in an area with limited chiropractic presence, allowing us to serve a significant patient base. Starting a practice in a community that already accepts chiropractic helps create a recognizable market presence. Our clinic will leverage the most recent techniques and equipment, giving us an edge over older clinics. Additionally, our ties to the community will facilitate professional networking and co-marketing opportunities.

Patient education is a priority for our clinic, as it can lead to a large advantage in patient referrals and retention. We will have a strong business relationship with Patient Media Inc., a chiropractic management firm, to support our marketing efforts and provide high-quality sales literature. Fulfillment and delivery will be provided by Dr. Azzato, and we will utilize qualified chiropractic support specialists for marketing and patient education. Technological enhancements, including electronic claim filing, a clinic website, and various therapies, will contribute to the clinic’s success.

Job prospects for chiropractors are expected to be good, as consumer demand for alternative community grows. The aging population, increasing acceptance of chiropractic care, and the emphasis on healthy lifestyles all contribute to the growth of the profession. The extent of insurance coverage for chiropractic services varies among plans, so educating communities about the benefits of chiropractic care is important for establishing a successful practice. Our target market segments include the blue-collar workforce, active baby boomers, retirees, and children.

Family Chiropractic Business Plan Example

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

Blue Collar Workforce
St. Mary’s and the surrounding area has a high number of blue-collar workers in different workplaces.

These workers are in stressful job settings with little or no on-the-job training in ergonomics. Many of these jobs require repetitive movements and lifting that cause stress and injury over time.

Chiropractic has a track record in treating work-related injuries like low back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. Dr. Azzato will have added help when reaching out to these workers because he has friends and family members with long-standing careers at these workplaces.

Baby Boomers
The Baby Boomer age bracket is nearing the stage in their lives that demands chiropractic care to prevent aging problems. Many dysfunctions of the body occur as we age, and this target market is a prime candidate for our services.

The clinic will have a patient base that includes individuals of any age, gender, race, educational status, or religion.

All persons in the community and surrounding areas are eligible patients. Advanced Chiropractic will also educate parents so they can provide chiropractic care to their children, regardless of health status.

Family/Friend Referrals
Starting a business near your hometown, where there is a large family base, has a big advantage. In the early stages of building a patient base, we expect to receive referrals and treat many of our family members.

We also have two family members who run small businesses in the area, and we will coordinate marketing projects through them to increase our presence.

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4.2.1 Market Needs

The need for chiropractic services is increasing dramatically. More and more patients are seeking alternative cost-effective ways to prevent injury and maintain health. This is even more important in the current recession economy, where people may be facing employment and insurance problems. Chiropractic is a valuable tool that is very affordable.

4.2.2 Market Trends

The aging of America is the dominant factor in the future of medicine, chiropractic, and the health industry. Today, one in ten Americans uses chiropractic services, and that will increase with the aging of the population.

Today there are approximately 33 million Americans over the age of 65. In 20 years – only a generation – there will be 60 million, almost doubling in size. The elderly will propel the growth of all medical services across the spectrum of health care delivery.

Older Americans represent nearly 13 percent of the population today. They are surviving chronic diseases and recovering to high-health lifestyles.

These age groups have substantial disposable income and will invest in their own health. The aging of America will push demand upwards for medical and chiropractic services and create a closer working relationship between chiropractors and medical doctors.

Chiropractic’s future is promising. Demand is rising, as are chiropractic expenditures and revenues. Growing health consciousness aligns with the chiropractic philosophy of natural treatment. The aging of the population will increase demand for chiropractic services.

4.2.3 Market Growth

Chiropractic is the fastest-growing and second-largest primary health care profession in the United States. There are approximately 60,000 doctors of chiropractic in active practice, and more than 10,000 students are currently enrolled in chiropractic educational programs.

Tens of millions of Americans routinely opt for chiropractic services, and this number is rapidly growing. In 1993, more than 30 million consumers made chiropractic a regular part of their health care program.

Job prospects are expected to be good for chiropractors as consumer demand for alternative health care grows. Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs or perform surgery, making chiropractic care appealing to many health-conscious Americans.

Chiropractic treatment of joint damage is more accepted now, and the expanding older population will increase demand. However, demand for chiropractic treatment is also related to patients’ ability to pay, either directly or through health insurance.

Establishing a new practice is easiest in areas with a low concentration of chiropractors.

4.3 Service Business Analysis

Chiropractors, also known as doctors of chiropractic or chiropractic physicians, diagnose and treat patients with health problems associated with the body’s muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems, especially the spine.

Chiropractors believe interference with these systems impairs normal functions and lowers resistance to disease. They also hold that spinal dysfunction alters many important body functions by affecting the nervous system, and that skeletal imbalance can cause pain.

Chiropractors provide natural, drugless, nonsurgical health treatments and rely on the body’s inherent recuperative abilities. They also recommend lifestyle changes to their patients and may refer them to other health practitioners.

Chiropractors follow a standard routine to secure the information needed for diagnosis and treatment. They take the patient’s medical history, conduct physical examinations, and may order laboratory tests. They also employ diagnostic imaging and spinal analysis.

In cases involving musculoskeletal structures, chiropractors manually adjust the spinal column and use therapies like water, light, massage, ultrasound, electric, and heat therapy.

Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs or perform surgery. Some specialize in specific areas like sports injuries, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, nutrition, internal disorders, or diagnostic imaging.

Many chiropractors are solo or group practitioners who also manage their practices. They are responsible for developing a patient base, hiring employees, and keeping records.

4.3.1 Business Participants

Chiropractors primarily work in solo practice or group practice. Some teach, conduct research, or work in hospitals and clinics. Many chiropractors are located in small communities, close to chiropractic institutions.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

The Advanced Chiropractic Clinic will focus on three fundamental business strategies: maintaining a professional business attitude when treating patients, using a systematic approach to manage patients, and educating patients and the community about the advantages of chiropractic care.

The target patient group will be blue-collar workers and their families.

5.1 Value Proposition

For patients seeking comprehensive, cost-effective health care in St. Mary’s, the Advanced Chiropractic Clinic is ready to meet your needs. Our clinic focuses not only on symptoms but also on understanding their causes. We address nutrition, patient education, ergonomic workplace practices, and overall healthy lifestyle.

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5.2 Marketing Strategy

Our clinic will focus on the following marketing strategies:

5.2.1 Positioning Statement

For patients seeking comprehensive, cost-effective health care in St. Mary’s, the Advanced Chiropractic Clinic is ready to meet your needs. Our clinic focuses on the patient as a whole, addressing not only symptoms but also their underlying causes. Our areas of focus include nutrition, patient education, ergonomic workplace practices, and overall healthy lifestyle.

5.2.2 Pricing Strategy

Our clinic will use a fee schedule in line with our competitors and national averages.

5.2.3 Promotion Strategy

To promote our clinic, we will meet with other business owners in the area to explain the importance of work-related injuries and ergonomics. We will also host workshops, open houses, and provide screenings in the community. Additionally, we will aim to meet a specific number of individuals each month and give public health talks.

5.3 Competitive Edge

Our clinic will have a competitive edge based on hard work, organization, trustworthiness, and up-to-date knowledge. We will focus on patient satisfaction and maintain a professional yet comfortable atmosphere. We will also network within the community and target the workforce for potential patients.

5.4 Sales Strategy

Our clinic will focus on the following sales strategies:

5.4.1 Sales Forecast

The sales forecast is broken down by the number of patient visits per month, with revenue per visit set at $50 and a 20% growth rate per month. This forecast extends over a three-year period.

Family Chiropractic Business Plan Example

Sales Forecast

Sales Forecast
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Unit Sales
Average Visits Per Month 1,979 2,177 2,395
Other 0 0 0
Total Unit Sales 1,979 2,177 2,395
Unit Prices Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Average Visits Per Month $50.00 $50.00 $50.00
Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Average Visits Per Month $98,950 $108,845 $119,730
Other $0 $0 $0
Total Sales $98,950 $108,845 $119,730
Direct Unit Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Average Visits Per Month $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Direct Cost of Sales
Average Visits Per Month $0 $0 $0
Other $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $0 $0 $0

5.5 Strategic Alliances

Our alliances with professionals like lawyers, medical doctors, and other business owners generate patients for us.

We ensure that our patients understand our chiropractic services to promote internal referrals. To achieve this, we have partnered with Patient Media, Inc. They will handle our patient education marketing products.

Management Summary

The initial management team consists of Dr. Azzato, a receptionist, and/or a part-time clinician’s assistant. Additional personnel will be hired as we grow.

6.1 Organizational Structure

Our clinic starts with two employees, but we have established philosophies and strategies to maintain a proper organizational structure and prioritize patient privacy and education.

We treat each patient as an individual with specific needs, regardless of their ethnic or economic status.

The clinic staff, including Dr. Azzato, continuously improve their skills and knowledge through reading trade journals and attending continuing education seminars. We also hold mandatory staff meetings every Thursday to review patient surveys and discuss improvements.

Each staff member has specific daily duties, which they must complete efficiently. We may introduce an annual bonus salary schedule based on monthly performance reviews.

The clinic staff are expected to maintain a professional image even outside the clinic. We actively participate in activities to promote the business and chiropractic, where the staff will maintain a professional attitude.

These strategies set our clinic apart from competitors and assure our patients that they receive the best chiropractic care.

6.2 Personnel Plan

Below is a summary of our personnel expenditures for the first three years, with Dr. Azzato receiving a 20% pay increase each year:

We will develop an employee bonus pay structure after year three or implement it earlier if there is a significant increase in sales/net profits.

Personnel Plan
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Dr. Azzato $42,000 $50,400 $60,480
Receptionist/Clinician’s Assistant $18,000 $18,000 $18,000
Total People 2 2 2
Total Payroll $60,000 $68,400 $78,480

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