8 Creative Ways to Get More Customers

8 Ways to Get More Customers and Grow Your Business

You’ve successfully launched your business and built a solid, small customer base. Starting small has its benefits, allowing you to cultivate loyal relationships with customers. Now, you’re eager to expand and grow your business. However, growing your customer base is easier said than done. How do you get more customers? I asked the Young Entrepreneur Council and Tim Shoemaker, the former head of channel sales at Palo Alto Software, for their input. From marketing tactics to networking, try these tips to watch your customer base grow quickly.

1. Get out of your comfort zone with your pitch

If you’re struggling to expand your customer base, you may be unintentionally narrowing your focus and missing potential new customers. Instead of relying on a sales pitch you’re comfortable with, focus on building relationships with potential customers. According to Wesley Mathews of High Level Marketing, selling is about transferring trust. Once you’ve earned their trust, you can educate them about the superior value of your product.

2. Leverage your existing network

Your existing network can help you reach new customers through word-of-mouth referrals. Network within your target market and develop a core group of customers who can make referrals. For example, if you run a bike shop, join cycling-related groups. By leveraging your network, you can tap into established trust and increase recommendations.

3. Build a relationship map

Create a relationship map that matches your strongest relationships with areas that need your product or service the most. This map will help you identify who to reach out to in order to tap into potential customer bases.

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4. Continue expanding your network

While relying on your existing network is great, you may eventually run out of new leads. Attend networking events, join organizations, form partnerships, and watch your network grow, as suggested by Alfredo Atanacio of Uassist.ME.

5. Speak at an event or host an industry gathering

By sharing your expertise and getting involved in your industry at a local level, you can grow your connections and establish yourself as a thought leader. Offer to speak for free or host a workshop at events your ideal clients would attend. Start at a local level and work your way up to bigger opportunities.

6. Add calls to action

Include a call to action in every marketing piece you send out. This can be as simple as increasing engagement by asking for opinions or suggesting that customers tag you with a certain hashtag. Make calls to action a part of all your marketing efforts, including speeches and networking actions.

7. Offer free trials to new customers

Free trials can attract new customers, garner good reviews, and allow for feedback and improvements. Show the value of your product or service during the free trial period and convert them into paying customers later.

8. Provide your service for free in exchange for a case study or testimonial

For service-based businesses, offering your service for free in exchange for a case study or detailed testimonial can be an effective way to attract new clients. A great case study builds trust, demonstrates the effectiveness of your service, and provides valuable feedback.

These tips can help you grow your customer base and expand your business. Implement them strategically and watch your business thrive.

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