How to Get Funding for Your Business

Most businesses need funding or financing at some point. Whether it’s for startup costs, major equipment purchases, or fueling growth—it’s a common and necessary step.

Like many aspects of business, your path to funding depends on the state of your business. Age, position, performance, market opportunities, and your team will inform your funding search and preparation.

While your funding journey will be unique, there are key steps to take to prepare for funding:

1. Determine if you need funding

Ask yourself, “Do I need funding?” Consider why you need it, how you’ll manage it, and what you’ll do without it.

2. Find out how much funding to raise

Determine the amount of funding you’re asking for. Be sure it aligns with your current strategy.

3. Consider your funding options

Explore the available funding and financing options. Choose the method that serves your business best.

4. Write your business plan

Create a business plan to secure funding. Most lenders and investors require it.

5. Create your pitch

Develop a tight elevator pitch and captivating pitch deck to convince potential funders.

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We have resources to help you create everything you need.

What if you’re a nonprofit?

If you’re a nonprofit, consider unique considerations to raise funds successfully.

How to improve your chances of getting funding

Following these steps doesn’t guarantee funding. However, these additional tips and resources may help improve your chances.

9 tips to help you land funding

Learn how to make your business stand out and be more attractive to investors with funding tips from entrepreneur and angel investor Tim Berry.

Avoid these 9 funding mistakes

Know what not to do when pursuing funding. Avoid common mistakes based on insights from successful business owners.

Understand common funding challenges

Recognize specific challenges in the funding process to better prepare yourself and your business.

Small business funding and pitching templates

Free resources to help you complete the necessary steps to prepare your business for funding.

5 Steps to Get Funding for Your Business -

Investor Pitch Deck Template

Impress investors and loan officers with visuals that support your elevator pitch.

5 Steps to Get Funding for Your Business -

Maximize your funding chances with LivePlan. Create and share your investor-ready plan, pitch, and financial forecasts using a single tool.

5 Steps to Get Funding for Your Business -

Free business plan template

Showcase your business structure, performance, and potential with an investor-ready and SBA-approved business plan.

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