Celebrate National Write a Business Plan Month in December.

Celebrate National Write a Business Plan Month in December -

December is National Write a Business Plan Month. If you’re struggling to write your business plan, writing it at the same time as other entrepreneurs may be motivating. Watch our video and read about why having a business plan is important.

Set micro-goals:

1. Get a business plan template or tool.

2. Spend time doing market research or getting customer feedback.

3. Write sections of the plan (opportunity, execution, management, marketing, financial plans, etc—see a list of sections in this article).

If you’re writing a one-page business plan, your goal might be to complete it in less than an hour. Make goals SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Tell someone you’ve committed to writing your business plan:

Tell your business partner, mentor, or the community. Make a micro-goal to check-in and update them on your progress.

Set your timer:

Turn off your phone and distractions. Set your timer for a specific amount of time.

If you encounter roadblocks or need to research more, make a new micro-goal to address it but don’t let it become a mental block. Focus on the specific thing you need to accomplish.

Share your accomplishment:

Celebrate and share your plan with your team and stakeholders.

Create a calendar event to remind you to update your plan:

Set up a monthly business plan review meeting. Keep yourself accountable and nimble.

Use business planning tools and resources to make it easier:

Use a business plan template, sample plans, or business planning software like LivePlan. Refer to guides on writing a business plan, one-page lean plan, and resources for market research and financial planning.

READ MORE  How to Write a Business Plan for a Service Business -

Consider this December as an invitation to write your business plan

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