11 Steps to Create a Business Plan Presentation

How to Create a Business Plan Presentation

Business plans are often considered worthless, as it’s the planning process itself that holds true value. The business plan document you create may not be extensively reviewed, but it forces you to deeply consider your business and answer important questions. This process helps you become an expert in your business, target market, and operations.

When pitching your business to lenders and investors, it’s crucial to showcase the expertise gained during the planning process. Condensing all that knowledge into a brief and compelling presentation is the next challenge. This guide will assist you in transforming your business plan into a cohesive and persuasive presentation that will impress investors and capture your audience’s attention.

What is a business plan presentation?

A business plan presentation, also known as a "pitch deck," is a set of slides designed to accompany an in-person or virtual meeting. It presents the fundamental aspects of your business, explaining what you do, who your target audience is, how your business operates, and what you are seeking. Your goal is to convince your audience to support your business rather than merely sharing your idea.

When designing your business plan presentation, consider whether you will speak through it or email it to your audience.

Why present a business plan?

Your business plan presentation revolves around the "ask." Whether you’re seeking funding, participating in a competition, or persuading potential employees to join your business, you have a specific purpose for presenting. Keep this in mind as you develop your presentation, knowing your audience and what you want to achieve by the end. Typically, your goal is to secure the next meeting or continue the conversation in some way.

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6 tips to create a convincing business plan presentation

1. Start with a review of your business plan.

2. Tell a story that engages your audience.

3. Utilize visuals instead of text-heavy slides.

4. Use a readable font size of 30pt or larger.

5. Research your audience to tailor your presentation.

6. Keep your presentation concise and focused.

What to include in your business plan presentation

As a general rule, limit your presentation to 10-12 slides. Focus on effectively communicating your business’s purpose and direction. The key slides to include are:

1. Introduction: Include your company name, logo, and a one-line summary of your business.

2. The problem and your solution: Tell a relatable story about the problem you solve and how your product or service provides the solution.

3. Target market and opportunity: Explain the market size and segments your business targets.

4. Business model and pricing strategy: Describe how you generate revenue.

5. Traction: Highlight any initial success or evidence of market interest.

6. Marketing and sales: Provide an overview of your marketing and sales plan.

7. Financial projections: Present key financial highlights.

8. Your team: Introduce your team and their qualifications.

9. Use of funds: Explain how you will use the funds raised.

10. Call to action: Clearly state what you are seeking from your audience.

Appendix: Prepare additional slides to answer potential questions and show your thorough preparation.

Remember, while the business plan document itself may not be valuable, the planning process equips you for a successful presentation.

Download your free pitch deck template

Get a head start on your business plan presentation by downloading our free pitch deck template. It includes all the essential slides you need for a winning presentation.

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