How to Implement a Successful Publicity Campaign

There’s no denying that the Internet allows more entrepreneurs to start businesses and effectively market their products. However, there is a common misconception when these businesses try to generate media attention. Many think that a press release alone can do the job, but that is far from the truth. A successful PR/publicity campaign should include the following:

– An interesting, newsworthy product that the media and its audience will find merit in.

– A concise media release or story pitch that details the benefits of your product/business and its impact.

– Media "supportives" such as product photos and review samples.

– A well-researched media list that includes name-specific contacts, not just title-specific ones.

– A trustworthy media contact vehicle that ensures your release gets into the hands of the appropriate reporter/editor/producer.

– Meticulous media relations to fulfill requests and extensive follow-ups to generate more placements.

– Some form of media tracking capabilities to measure the success of your campaign.

Launching a PR/publicity campaign is like flying a kite. The press release is the kite, but it needs the proper string, tail, wind, and manipulation to get off the ground. With all these elements in place, a PR/publicity campaign can send your business soaring like a kite on a breezy Spring afternoon.

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