3 Ways to Measure the Brand Awareness of Your Small Business

3 Ways to Measure Brand Awareness for Your Small Business

Brand awareness is a marketing term used to describe consumer recognition of your business and/or product. Building brand awareness is critical, whether you are reviving an older brand or promoting a new product.

From social media campaigns to PPC advertisements, companies use various strategies to promote brand awareness. Regardless of your strategy, you need an effective approach to measure your efforts and determine consumers’ awareness of your brand.

Here, we will examine why brand awareness is important and how to measure it for your business.

What is brand awareness?

Brand awareness refers to how familiar people are with your company, products, or services. How many customers have heard of your name? How many people understand what you offer?

A brand awareness strategy allows you to:

  • Avoid becoming obsolete
  • Engage better with your customers
  • Build brand credibility

Why is brand awareness important?

Consumers need to be familiar with your business so they consider your service or product when making purchase decisions. Even if your brand isn’t at the top of their minds, they will think of you while shopping if they are aware of your brand.

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Brand awareness fuels new leads, helping you convert them into paying customers and brand advocates.

Aside from generating possible leads, brand awareness can create brand advocates who spread the word about your company. This can have a snowball effect, causing your audience to grow exponentially.

How to measure brand awareness?

There are three effective approaches to measuring brand awareness:

1. Social media reach

Start with social media reach, which is the total number of people who see your content. You can interpret this in several ways:

  • Total number of people who see a piece of content
  • Average impression frequency per user
  • Average impression frequency per user over 7 or 30 days

As of July 2021, there are 4.48 billion social media users, representing 57 percent of the population.

Most likely, you are already using social media platforms to share details about your brand. Therefore, analyzing social media reach is critical for understanding brand awareness.

Focus on reach for Instagram and TikTok

Reach is especially beneficial on Instagram and TikTok. It’s important for measuring brand awareness spread and growth on these platforms.

Engagement rates are insightful when likes and interactions are publicly visible. However, reach is powerful and accurate for measuring brand awareness, as users may not feel pressured to interact with content anymore.

Analyze reach for each social media post

Check the reach of every post you publish to establish key trends and shape best practices based on successful results. Analyzing this data is critical for boosting brand awareness on social media.

Once you understand your current reach, dig deeper into your statistics to determine resonating content, best performing hashtags, and optimal posting hours.

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2. Use Google Search Console

Collate data from Google Search Console to effectively measure brand awareness. For example, if you do a television campaign to promote your business, an increase in impressions and clicks on Google Search Console likely means your brand awareness has improved.

Measuring impressions is significant because it reveals how many people viewed your campaign. Combine this with click-through rate to assess the impact of your campaigns.

Google advises creating a cost-per-thousand-impressions campaign in Search Console to measure brand awareness. This means paying based on impressions, not clicks.

Benefit from immediate brand data searches

Google Search Console provides brand data searches one day after they are performed. You can identify reasons for changes in organic traffic and brand searches, such as significant social media or email campaigns.

3. Utilize brand tracking software

Consider using brand tracking software to measure brand awareness. These tools provide hard facts and insightful dashboards for monitoring brand performance:

  • Measure and monitor brand performance over time
  • Tap into new audiences for business growth
  • Identify segments of your audience driving your business forward
  • Track competitors’ performance precisely

Different types of brand tracking tools

There are various categories of brand tracking tools, such as analytics tools and social mention tools. Analytics tools assess engagement times, interactions, hashtags, and user demographics. Social mention tools track mentions and brand interactions across platforms.

Consider using tools like BuzzSumo, SproutSocial, Ahrefs, Qualtrics, Brandwatch, Brand24, Netvibes, Mention, or Shortstack depending on your needs and the platforms you want to track.

Tailor your tracker to suit your brand’s needs

Choose tracking methodologies that align with your brand and objectives. Consider whether you prioritize social shares, paid ad performance, or other milestones. Combination approaches tend to be the most effective.

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Final words on measuring brand awareness

Building brand awareness is essential for a consistent flow of leads and brand advocates. Measurement is crucial to determine the level of people’s awareness. Use the mentioned approaches to measure brand awareness and continue implementing fresh strategies to build it.

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