3 Reasons Why You Shouldn t Wait to Register for a DBA

3 Reasons to Register for a DBA Sooner

Filing for a ‘Doing Business As’ name isn’t usually a top priority for small business owners. It costs money, requires paperwork, and might involve advertising in a local paper.

Despite this tendency to delay, registering for a DBA should be a main priority for small business owners due to several important reasons.

1. A DBA boosts consumer confidence and ensures legal compliance.

Without a DBA name, you can’t have a dedicated business bank account. Credit cards will be in your personal name, and your customers will have to make checks payable to you instead of your business. This lack of an official business account can undermine consumer confidence and complicate expense tracking.

Many states also require businesses operating under a name other than their own to register for a DBA. Having a DBA name helps ensure legal compliance, as government applications must include your business’s official name.

Without a DBA, permits and licenses will be issued in your name rather than your business’s name.

2. A DBA prevents name conflicts and potential trademark violations.

When you file for a DBA, you typically conduct a countywide search for similar names. If a similar name is found, you cannot use it to avoid potential trademark infringement. Conducting this search early allows you to select an unused name that builds your brand and reinforces consumer trust.

However, filing for a DBA alone does not protect against intellectual property theft. To secure legal protection for your business’s name, you must also trademark it.

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3. Swiftly claim social media and online properties.

Establishing an online presence is crucial for business success. More consumers rely on the internet to research companies, so not being online means missing out on a significant portion of the market.

Before claiming Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and domain names associated with your business, you must ensure you have a DBA name. After receiving government approval, you can secure all the necessary online properties to market your company.

A DBA name is essential for any business that doesn’t use the owner’s name. Filing for one early allows you to determine whether the name is available before investing considerable effort into it. It also enables you to handle other important paperwork, such as licensing, bank accounts, and trademark registration.

So, when you’re ready to launch your business, prioritize filing for a DBA name and then begin establishing your company’s identity.

So, when you’re ready to launch your business, prioritize filing for a DBA name and then begin establishing your company’s identity.

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