How to Write an Effective Out of Office Message Examples

With the rise of remote work and constant access to multiple devices, it can be challenging to truly disconnect from work when you’re out of the office. While it might be tempting to reply to emails during your time off, it’s important for your mental health and work-life balance to resist that urge. However, it’s also understandable to feel the need to provide a timely response to customers and others reaching out to you.

An effective out-of-office message can serve as a kind way to let people know that you’re on vacation while providing them with reassurance about when they can expect to hear back from you.

Why is an out-of-office message important?

Having an out-of-office message helps to inform your customers and contacts about your absence. It politely lets them know that you’re currently unavailable but have received their message.

This automated message also decreases the number of unanswered emails you’ll have to deal with upon your return. By notifying people of your vacation in your message, you can respond to them in a more organized and convenient manner.

Most importantly, an out-of-office message ensures that your customers’ needs are met in your absence. You can include alternative forms of contact or direct them to other team members who can assist them while you’re away.

How to write an out-of-office message

Creating a thoughtful out-of-office auto-responder can help you leave your email behind confidently. However, it’s essential to ensure that your automated response is helpful and provides information without causing confusion or frustration.

Your out-of-office message should include the following:

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1. State that you’re out of the office, optionally mentioning the reason.

2. Mention the date you plan to return.

3. Provide links to resources that can answer common questions.

4. Clarify who to contact in your absence for urgent messages or requests.

By following these guidelines, you can eliminate back-and-forth communication, confusion, and an overwhelming inbox when you come back from your time off.

Is an out-of-office email response enough?

While setting up an automated reply is important, it’s not the only solution. It’s recommended to have other strategies in place, such as delegating inbox management to another team member. It’s crucial to avoid leaving messages unanswered for too long. Even if you have an auto-response set up, it’s wise to establish additional methods for managing email while you’re away. You can find more information on how to handle email during vacation in this article.

Should you use more than one out-of-office email message?

If you manage multiple inboxes, it may be beneficial to have different out-of-office messages with slight variations depending on the information you need to convey. Consider the types of inquiries you usually receive and tailor your messages accordingly.

Out-of-office message examples

Your out-of-office message may vary depending on the information you want to provide. It can be as simple as mentioning your absence and return date. Alternatively, you can direct people to contact someone else for assistance or share helpful resources.

Here are some examples:

Professional out-of-office messages:

1. "Thank you for reaching out. I’m currently out of the office [optional reason] until [date], but I’ll respond as soon as I can."

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2. "Hey! Thanks for your email. I’m currently away from the office and unable to access my inbox. I’ll be back on [date] and will follow up with you promptly."

Out-of-office messages offering a new point of contact:

If you’re comfortable, it’s advisable to leave your inbox in the care of someone else.

1. "Thank you for your email. I’m currently out of the office [optional reason] until [date]. In the meantime, please reach out to [point person] at [contact info] for any urgent requests."

2. "Hey! Thanks for contacting me. I’m currently away from the office for [reason], but I’ll be back on [date]. If you have an emergency or need immediate assistance, please contact [contact] at [contact info]."

Out-of-office messages for sharing resources:

If you receive questions that can be answered through resources like knowledge bases or FAQs, consider providing those in your out-of-office message.

1. "Thanks for your email. I’m currently out of the office but will respond as soon as possible upon my return on [date]. Here are some resources that might help in the meantime: [links to specific resources]. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact [contact] at [contact info]."

2. "Hey! Thanks for reaching out. We’re currently away from the office, but the entire team will be back on [date]. In the meantime, please check out our [linked FAQ/knowledge base/etc.] for answers to common questions. We appreciate your patience!"

Funny out-of-office messages:

Use humor with caution, ensuring it aligns with your email voice and tone.

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1. "Thanks for your email. [Your Name] is out of the office [optional info]. When [she/he/they] get back on [date], [her/his/their] inbox will be really overwhelming. Seriously, it’ll take forever. It’s exhausting just thinking about it. So, thanks for your patience—[she/he/they] will get back to you ASAP, I promise."

2. "Thanks for your email—but unfortunately, the entire team was abducted by aliens yesterday, and no one has heard from them since. Nah, just kidding. We’re away for [event/conference/etc.]. For urgent inquiries, please reach out to [contact] at [contact info]. In the meantime, here are some resources that might help you find answers."

Remember that your out-of-office message should manage expectations and help both you and those contacting you. Set it up in a way that provides necessary information and reduces confusion, allowing you to enjoy your time away from the office.

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