Planning Startups Stories

In my 40 years of experience dealing with business plans and business planning, I have encountered several pervasive myths that hinder entrepreneurs’ chances of success. Here are the 10 most common business plan myths that need debunking. Read More »

Avoid these 5 Critical Mistakes in Startup Financials

By Tim Berry

Here are five critical mistakes in startup financial projections based on my review of over a hundred startups. The good news is that these mistakes are much easier to fix than other common startup problems. Read More »

How to Know a Good Business Plan

By Tim Berry

The quality of a business plan depends on its results and the decisions it leads to. There are two ways to determine the effectiveness of a business plan: observing its success over time and evaluating its content. Read More »

Profits vs. Growth, yes. Maximize Profits, No.

By Tim Berry

While many prioritize maximizing profits in business, I believe that balancing profits and growth is often more beneficial for the overall value of the business. It’s important to understand the tradeoff between profits and growth. Read More »

Somebody Stole My Idea

By Tim Berry

How do you react when someone steals your idea? I once had a business associate who quietly executed an idea I shared at a cocktail party without including me. Here’s how I felt about it. Read More »

How Do I Start my Business With No Money?

By Tim Berry

(Note: guest post by Paul O’Brien, CEO of MediaTech Ventures) Starting a business doesn’t necessarily require any money. You can begin with zero dollars spent. Read More »

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How Investors Look at Startup Forecasts

By Tim Berry

Investors evaluate startup forecasts for insights into the founders’ knowledge, experience, and goals, rather than just the numbers themselves. Forecasting is crucial for managing a business, even though it can be challenging. Read More »

Entrepreneurs Without Salaries?

By Tim Berry

Question: How do entrepreneurs without salaries support their families and cover expenses? As an entrepreneur without a salary, I sustained my family by continuing to consult in the same field I was developing software for. This is a common situation for many entrepreneurs. Read More »

Top 10 Entrepreneurship Skills

By Tim Berry

Before starting a business, it’s important to possess certain entrepreneurship skills. Here is my revised list of the top 10 skills for 2021. While there are countless similar lists out there, this one reflects my personal preferences. The skills include empathy and understanding, among others. Read More »

How to Pitch a Startup Idea by Email.

By Tim Berry

Pitching a startup idea by email may seem unlikely, but Brett Fox, former CEO of Touchstone Semiconductor and current CEO coach, provides some valuable insights in his response. He challenges the notion that investors don’t invest in ideas and offers tips for pitching via email. Read More »

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Content curated by Tim Berry

Content curated by Tim Berry

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