7 Things You Need to Remember about Workplace Safety

7 Things to Remember About Workplace Safety

The grand opening of your business is exciting yet requires a lot of work. While you may have the sign on the door and keys for your locks, your personal responsibility does not end there. Along with displaying products and hiring employees, there are several tips to improve your business before you even get started.

1. Make a list

Create a checklist of office necessities, including tangible items like signs and intangible aspects like a positive environment.

Include reminders about an evacuation plan, fuse boxes, drainage pipes, and hidden stairs. Check your state and local safety ordinances and store a fire extinguisher.

Promote good hygiene practices to keep your employees healthy. Remind them to wash their hands regularly and allow sick days to prevent the spread of viruses.

Think of stocking the office like packing a car for a trip. Store items you may need later on.

2. Include workers in health policy decisions

Motivate and hold employees responsible for their actions. Involve them in your safety plans and conversations.

Ensure employees understand and comply with safety measures in your store or office.

Start conversations with employees to keep them informed and open to suggestions.

3. Invest in quality furniture

Choose comfortable and supportive chairs or consider standing desks to alleviate lower back stress.

Encourage employees to walk around and stretch to combat the risks of sitting all day.

4. Prepare for emergencies

Stock essential safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, label exits, plan evacuation routes, and post emergency phone numbers.

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Use signs to promote proper hygiene and guide employees during emergencies.

Be prepared to handle accidents and violations, communicating your expectations and goals to employees.

5. Take breaks

Take short breaks every 20 minutes or look away from the computer to avoid mental and visual strain.

Stepping away helps refresh your mind and maintain alertness.

6. Offer incentives

Encourage employees to actively ensure safety and offer rewards for maintaining a safe workplace.

Set and communicate safety rules, and hold regular safety meetings to update staff on changes and protocols.

7. Address employee concerns

Work with employees to address their concerns and worries.

Utilize HR or a designated employee question and retention team to provide support and open communication.

Consistency in following through with goals and addressing concerns is crucial.

Remember, prioritizing the safety and health of your employees prevents accidents, maximizes productivity, and creates an efficient and safe workplace.

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