10 Easy Ways to Evaluate an Employee s Performance

10 Easy Ways to Evaluate an Employee’s Performance

Tracking the performance of non-sales employees can be challenging. To help you out, we asked 10 entrepreneurs from the YEC to share their insights on evaluating team members. Here are the key factors to consider:

1. Execution: Nothing is more important than getting things done on time and at a high level. A players prioritize tasks, think creatively, and execute effectively.

2. Quality of work: In web and hosting industries, quality is paramount. Client deliverables, involvement in client efforts, production changes/platform stability, best practices, and client feedback all contribute to measuring work quality.

3. Creativity: The ability to question assumptions, come up with new solutions, and take risks is crucial. Tracking instances of well-informed risk-taking allows for meaningful recognition of high performers.

4. Consistent improvement: Striving to become better each day, month, quarter, and year is highly valued. Constant improvement across all areas is more important than being excellent in every aspect.

5. Customer and peer feedback: Good customer feedback, even in non-sales roles, indicates potential for improvement. Conversely, negative feedback may indicate declining sales. Internal peers are also valuable sources of feedback.

6. Sales revenue: Monthly revenue generated reflects overall performance, particularly for sales representatives. The number of venues they sign up and the resulting revenue are key metrics.

7. Responsiveness to feedback: Employees should accept feedback without excuses or justifications. Ideal workers critically analyze feedback and engage in two-way conversations to understand and make effective changes.

8. Ability to take ownership: Employees who take ownership of tasks and find solutions are highly valuable. Early-stage companies benefit from individuals who can overcome challenges and remove roadblocks.

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9. Timeliness of task completion: Evaluating the rate of task completion is essential. Teams should maintain up-to-date task lists, ensuring that work is aligned with company growth.

10. Being on time and on budget: Tracking project deadlines and budgets is important. Delivering projects on time and within budget is the goal, and any deviations should be discussed and addressed.

By implementing these evaluation methods, you can effectively assess employee performance and drive success within your organization.

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