What Defines Your Company Culture

What Defines Your Company Culture?

Company culture is a hot topic, and for good reason. Recent research shows that especially among younger generations, people want employers to provide meaningful work and a positive environment, in addition to an income. Culture eats strategy for breakfast, after all. Your company culture determines much of what your company does, regardless of plans.

The Research Behind Effective Company Culture

In his book "Quick and Nimble," Adam Bryant quotes Kathleen Flannagan, the CEO of Abt associates, as saying, "The managerial talent has to be there to allow them to move quickly. This generation isn’t going to stay in one job for years." People want to work for a company they feel proud of, in an atmosphere where they’re comfortable. They also want their company to make a positive impact on the world.

In addition, studies show that a company’s commitment to social issues is a major factor when people are deciding where to work. Workplace volunteerism is linked to positive corporate culture.

People want to learn, grow, make a living wage, and do right by the world, all while making your company money and producing top-notch work. So, how do you go about doing that?

Be Proactive

Ed Catmull, in his book "Creativity Inc.," emphasizes the importance of being proactive. Make an effort to talk to your employees about how things are going. Building an open and trusting relationship is crucial. Address problems before they escalate. Let go of people who are harmful to the overall culture.

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Don’t Say What You Don’t Mean

Think before you speak or act. Your words and actions have an impact on company culture. Avoid making ageist or sexist comments. Be transparent and avoid using words like "layoffs" unless you truly mean it.

Flashy Perks? Not Necessarily

Perks like on-site lounges and swag aren’t the key to a positive company culture. Focus on making your employees feel valued, heard, and welcomed. Create a nice working environment and offer family-friendly policies. Recognize and give credit to employees who excel.

Focus on Well-being

A positive company culture values employees as people. Pay attention to employee well-being and create a balance between work and personal life. Productivity increases when employees are refreshed and energized.

What’s the Culture Behind ?

At Palo Alto Software, we prioritize our cultural tenets. Take a look at our slideshare deck to get a sense of what it’s like to work for us:

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