Pricing Strategies and Models Explained

What price will make you profitable and attract customers?

Not sure? Keep reading to learn the basics of pricing strategy and setting the right price.

What is a pricing strategy?

A pricing strategy is the approach or plan a business uses to determine the price of its products or services. It considers factors such as market conditions, competition, production costs, and customer perceived value. The goal is to maximize profitability, maintain or grow market share, and ensure long-term sustainability.

What is a pricing model?

A pricing model is the method used to set the price of a product or service. It provides a structure to implement the chosen pricing strategy.

What’s the difference?

The distinction lies in their scope, purpose, and application. The pricing strategy aligns prices with business objectives, market conditions, and customer perceptions. It considers market entry tactics, customer psychology, brand positioning, and long-term market objectives.

The pricing model is the mathematical method used to create a specific price. It involves manufacturing costs, customer demand, and competitor pricing.

Types of pricing strategies

1. Penetration pricing

Setting an initial low price to attract customers and establish a market presence. Ideal for new entrants wanting rapid market share.

Example: Streaming services offering discounted rates for the first three months.

2. Price skimming

Starting with a high price and then reducing it over time. Suitable for innovative products.

Example: New tech gadgets like smartphones often use this strategy.

3. Value-based pricing

Pricing based on the perceived value to the customer rather than production costs. Works best for unique products or services.

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Example: Luxury brands like Rolex or Louis Vuitton.

4. Competitive pricing

Setting prices based on competitor rates. Ideal for industries with many competitors offering similar products.

Example: Supermarkets pricing staple goods.

5. Premium pricing

Charging a higher price to reflect a product’s premium status and quality.

Example: Brands like Apple or Tesla.

6. Economy pricing

Offering no-frills products at a low price. Common in mass markets.

Example: Budget airlines like Ryanair.

7. Bundle pricing

Grouping multiple products together at a discounted rate. Useful for increasing sales volume.

Example: Cable TV packages.

8. Price leadership

Price leadership occurs when one dominant company sets the price of a product or service, and other competitors follow suit.

Example: OPEC often influences global oil prices.

9. Preemptive pricing

Intended to drive away competition by deliberately selling at below market prices (temporarily).

Example: Amazon launching the Kindle with e-books priced below typical hardcover prices.

Types of pricing models

1. Cost-plus pricing

Calculating the cost of production and adding a fixed gross margin. Common in retail.

Example: A shirt that costs $20 to make might be sold for $40.

2. Geographic pricing

Adjusting prices based on location or region.

Example: A software product priced differently for the U.S. versus India.

3. Dynamic pricing model

Prices change based on real-time factors.

Example: Uber’s surge pricing during high demand.

4. Tiered pricing model

Different prices for varying levels of product features.

Example: Software packages with Basic, Pro, and Premium tiers.

5. Freemium model

Basic services are free, with charges for advanced features.

Example: Spotify offers free music streaming but charges for an ad-free experience.

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6. Subscription model

Recurring fee for product or service access.

Example: Monthly Netflix subscriptions.

7. Pay-what-you-want model

Customers choose their price.

Example: Some indie video games or music albums.

8. Volume-based pricing

Decreased price per unit with increased quantity.

Example: Wholesale retailers like Costco.

9. License pricing model

One-time fee for product usage over a period.

Example: Microsoft Office’s one-time purchase option.

10. High-low pricing model

Products have a higher standard price but are frequently discounted.

Example: Department stores having frequent sales.

How to choose your pricing strategy

Selecting a pricing strategy comes down to cost, goals, and customer perception. Here’s how:

1. Set business objectives

Define clear goals, such as maximizing profit, penetrating the market, establishing a premium brand image, or achieving specific revenue targets. Your pricing should align with these objectives.

2. Understand your costs

Consider direct costs (like raw materials and labor) and expenses (such as rent and marketing). Factor in variable costs that change with production volume and expenses that remain constant. Determine the break-even point to identify the minimum price needed to cover all expenses.

3. Analyze the competition

Research competitor prices and understand their value propositions. Identify their market positioning and observe any historical pricing trends to gauge market reactions.

4. Know your audience

Understand your target audience’s demographics and what they value in a product. Gauge their price sensitivity and gather feedback on pricing preferences to ensure your price resonates with them.

5. Test and adjust

Before a broad rollout, test the new pricing on a segment of your audience. Refine your pricing based on customer input.

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More on pricing products and services

Check out our other startup pricing resources to turn your pricing strategy into profitable steps for your business.

How to price your products

– How to price your services

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